Honey is the oldest sweetener known to man. The honey bee collects nectar from flower after flower, carrying it back to the hive where it is converted to honey through evaporation. The honey bee is the only creature utilized by man that naturally produces more food than it needs.
Honey is stored in comb cells for winter food for the entire colony. Here in Maine, the season for gathering surplus honey is short--only 4-5 weeks. With some colonies producing more than 200 pounds surplus during this brief period. What seems like a simple process is quite painstaking: to make a pound of honey, 550 bees must visit over 2.5 million flowers. In the process, bees distribute pollen, thereby helping to propagate many plant species. By keeping bees, the beekeeper not only gets honey, but also plays an important role in keeping the food supply for everyone healthy and productive.
Sparky's offers raw and unfiltered honey preserving vital nutrients, enzymes and amino acids. We also offer minimally processed.
You can find our honey in these stores throughout Midcoast and Southern Maine or order online by clicking here.